Posted on February 4, 2022 by Beth Ennis
February is an exciting month for gardeners, as the garden will soon burst to life! Prep work now will set the stage for a successful Spring full of new growth, blooms and high yields.
‘Chitting’ your seed potatoes will give them a kickstart before you plant them! It can improve yields and give a better overall chance of success.
It’s easy to do – all you will need is empty egg cartons or a shallow tray.
Place the potatoes in a cool, light area. Once shoots reach 1.5cm – 2.5cm long, the potatoes are ready to plant.
It’s not long now until birds will be looking for somewhere safe and warm to build a nest.
Encourage them to nest in your own garden by placing a bird box. The RSPB offers some great tips on where best to place one to attract your desired species.
Now is the time to cut back any dead leaves or shoots on your grass plants. This will allow new growth the space it needs to thrive.
Placing a slow-release plant feed around the base of your shrubs and roses will give them an extra boost heading into the growing season.
This will aid better, bigger flowers!
Has your plant outgrown the area you originally planted in? Or maybe you think it would look better elsewhere in the garden? This month is your last chance to relocate dormant shrubs before new growth begins.
Weeding is a year-round job, but it is even more important this month.
Weed your garden or allotment thoroughly, and then add a thick layer of new compost. Whether you are planting flowers or vegetables, this process gives them the best growing conditions possible.
Not sure what compost to use? Take a look at our compost guide.
Growhouses are a great addition to the garden or allotment.
Use them to protect your seeds and seedlings from harsh weather, until the plants are strong enough to cope outside.
There is an abundance of choice when it comes to growhouses, including options that are specifically tailored for growing tomatoes! Our garden centres stock a full range of options, starting from £29.99*.
During cold and wet weather, your lawn is vulnerable to damage.
Take care not to walk over it too much after rain or frost – as this will result in patches that may need re-seeding come Spring!
* all products mentioned in the blog were available at the time of writing
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